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If you are looking for sightseeing, wildlife viewing, or just pure relaxation, then our scenic Montana river rafting trips are just for you! The Blackfoot and Clark Fork Rivers all offer beautiful stretches of river just perfect for scenic float trips. Our favorite, the Tarkio Gorge is great for late evening trips, accompanied by wine, a local beer tour, or a nice appetizer floating into the sunset.
We specialize in scenic river raft trips — leisurely float trips — which allow us to work with our guests or group to create the river experience you are looking for—suited to your pace, sense of adventure, interests, or group.
Float through a section of Montana’s classic Blackfoot River Corridor northeast of Missoula to enjoy crystal clear water, ponderosa pines, mossy rocks, and amazing vistas. The river winds through several canyons and valleys that were formed by the Missoula Floods from Glacial Lake Missoula. The Blackfoot River was made famous by Norman Maclean’s book, A River Runs Through It, an acclaimed movie that followed. The Blackfoot is known for its recreational opportunities and is a popular spot for locals on hot summer days. You’ll find the Blackfoot to be ripe with excellent swimming holes, fish, birds, scenery — and fun!
Full-day, half-day and afternoon trips are available and vary in popularity according to the time of year, water levels, and each group’s interests.
Adult Half Day: $60/person
Child: $55/person (12 and under)
Adult Full Day (includes riverside lunch): $75/person
Child Full Day: $69/person
Float 2 rivers in one day! 2010 was a historic year for the Clark Fork River. Since the early 1900’s the Blackfoot and Clark Fork Rivers stopped at the Milltown Dam, before flowing towards Missoula. Now, just 5 miles east of Missoula, the Blackfoot and Clark Fork Rivers come together and are free again. This trip is a great opportunity for young kids to have a positive, safe, fun, river experience. The float offers unique views of Hellgate Canyon, The University of Montana, Brennan’s Wave, and downtown Missoula. The float usually takes 2 hours or less.
There are 2 sections offered on this trip, so give us a call and we will steer you in the right direction.
Adult : $45/person
Child : $40/person (12 and under)
This 4 mile float just west of Missoula slowly winds it’s way through the Missoula Valley. This is a great float for folks who don’t want to get wet, enjoy some scenery, and do some birdwatching.
Adult Half Day: $50
Child Half Day: $45 (12 and under)
The Tarkio Gorge is just below the rapids of the Alberton Gorge. Amazing wildlife (osprey, bald eagles, beavers, river otters, elk, deer, and moose), scenic views, sandy beaches, and deep swimming holes make this section one of Western Montana’s best kept secrets.
Located just minutes away from our headquarters, this is the most popular scenic river rafting trip we offer. After the float, come back to the headquarters and enjoy your favorite beverage, food, and some relaxation while soaking up the views overlooking the Alberton Gorge. Half-day and evening trips leave daily.
Adult Half Day: $45/person
Child : $40/person (12 and under)
Adult Full Day: (includes riverside lunch): $75/person
Child Full Day: $69/person
If you have questions about your next scenic river trip, give us a call at (406-546-0370) or send us an inquiry at waves@zootownsurfers.com. We look forward to helping you!
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”content-sidebar” el_class=”aside-section”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Scenic Rafting FAQ” use_theme_fonts=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1458564648107{margin-top: 35px !important;margin-bottom: 25px !important;}”][vc_toggle title=”Cancellation Policy” el_id=”1529498779672-6f33539a-28d5″]Payment is required in full. Cancellations made 48 hours or more before the date of your trip, will receive a full refund. Refunds will not be issued for cancellations made within 48 hours of a trip’s departure time. ZTS reserves the right to cancel a trip at any time if faced with unsuitable or unsafe weather or river conditions. If ZTS is forced to cancel a trip, you will be notified immediately and a full refund or alternative booking will be arranged.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Will I get wet?” el_id=”1457552688301-193b5ebf-9fd0″]On a scenic raft trip, there is a very small chance that you will get wet. Your feet will get wet. If you get too hot, you can always voluntarily jump in to cool off![/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Can I bring my dog?” el_id=”1529498732960-40c8ec56-7cd6″]Maybe! Depends on the size of the dog and if your little furry creature can behave.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”What do you serve on your riverside lunch?” el_id=”1457552698679-bf3d71bc-382e”]Steak/chicken asian slaw wraps with Kettle Chips, fresh fruit, and scratch cookies.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Will we have to paddle?” el_id=”1457552698140-743dbd29-1802″]On scenic trips, paddling is optional[/vc_toggle][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]